The RSHP resource is designed to support teacher-led delivery of the RSHP curriculum. Learning about relationships, sexual health and parenthood can also be supported by a range of agencies who offer programmes to build on what is being delivered in education settings. Inclusion of the description of a programme here does not indicate an endorsement of that programme, it is only intended as a helpful sign-posting to RSHP related provision and teachers/educators are encouraged to follow up directly with the relevant agency.
Click the linked text below to download an information sheet on the programme.
- Education Scotland: Mentors in Violence Prevention
- Hey Girls CIC
- Rape Crisis Scotland and Zero Tolerance: Equally Safe at School
- Rape Crisis Scotland National Sexual Violence Prevention Programme
- respect me
- Royal Zoological Society for Scotland (Cycle of Life)
- Royal Zoological Society for Scotland (Reproduction)
- Waverley Care
- Zero Tolerance: Gender Equal Pay and Talking Gender
- Zero Tolerance: Under Pressure